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Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) is a newly established state university in Cyprus (founded at 2004) that has already established all necessary infrastructure and through funding from government, European Commission, and industry, aims to offer prestigious programmes of study, conduct high level research, interact with and make a significant contribution to society and industry in Cyprus. The Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics goal is high-quality scientific instruction and the furthering of research and applications relevant to the areas of civil and environmental engineering, and geomatics. The department awards a degree in the following paths of study: Civil Engineering or Land Surveying-Geomatics. The Department has already participated in national, European and international funded projects. The Department is a coordinator of a 3.6 million euros Marie-Curie funded project. The Remote Sensing & Geo-informatics Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering and Geometrics main research activities are in the following areas: use of geo-informatics and satellite remote sensing for environmental surveillance studies (air pollution, water resources, coastal management, water quality, irrigation management, meteorology, floods, climate changes etc.).

ATLANTIS Consulting Cyprus ltd is a private company specializing in environmental management and impact assessment. Among others the company has been involved in several strategic projects for the Cyprus government as well as EU funded projects including a project for the establishment of the an air quality now casting and forecasting system for the Competent Authorities in Cyprus, the government funded project “Establishment of Sustainable Management Policy for the development of the mineral wealth of Cyprus’ where ATLANTIS was responsible for establishing an environmental policy, the Risk Assessment for the Amiantos asbestos Mine, and several EIAS involving air quality impacts from projects. Recently Atlantis participated in an EIA project for the removal of rocket fuels from military sites in Ukraine, where Atlantis personnel was responsible for the air quality risk assessment. Lastly the company has participated in two Eureka funded research projects (AidAir and WebAir) for the development, testing and implementation of integrated air quality management models.

ESS GmbH specializes in Integrated Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems that combine environmental sciences, economics, and socio-political aspects with advanced information and communication technology. A small, yet multi-disciplinary project team designs, develops, and deploys and supports customized and innovative IT based solutions (eConsulting, SaaS) for a broad range of environmental management problems. ESS GmbH has been initiating and leading as project coordinator 10 large international RTD projects under FP 4,5,and 6, ADAPT, INTAS, and EUREKA and participated as a partner in another 7, and conducted more than 30 major international RTD projects  since its inception 1995.

Oikon is currenly managing two R&D projects: Bioindication of air pollution in terrestrial ecosystems, Support: Ministry of science, education and sports of Republic of Croatia and Anthropogenic impacts in marine and inland waters ecosystems, supprted from own funds. Oikon team members are participating as scientific advisors and administrators of work packages in EU FP6: PHIME – Public Health Impact of Long-Term, Low-Level Mixed Element Exposure in Susceptible Population Strata; Eureka E!3266 WEBAIR project; EU FP7 -TPT-2008-RTD -1 Supporting Research on Climate friendly Transport (REACT).